The Sumbing Mountain having altitude 3371 mdpl, is the second highest in central Java before the Slamet 3428 mdpl. The cleft located in district Wonosobo and district Temanggung.The cleft having two top namely the stalemate 3362 mdpl and summit 3372 mdpl crater. The cleft side by side with the Sindoro just separated by the highway Wonosobo-Temanggung.
Mountain cleft having 4 the for ascent namely the Garung, Tedeng, Cepit, Cengklok. Like the mountains in Java other every, the 1st suro (new year Java and the twenty-first of Poso, of the moon Javanese) it has been a tradition the local people to the top of mount cleft. According to the local community to avoid from Balak children be left matted hair.
The hike was lane as follows :
Post 1, to into the 1 of bascamp it takes time around 2 hours with the streets gently sloping. Should to irrigation you took from bascamp word from on the outposts climbing no water sources.
Post 2, in the 1 into the 2 in need about two hours with lane which started precipitous and barren. In this post you can set up tents until 4 5 a tent with the capacity of 4, you should set up tents on this post because in post climbing next the street will be more precipitous.
Post 3, In the 2 into the 3 it takes time around 2 hours with ambling. On the 3 this is the junction of line long Garung and the Tedeng. In this post you can also had set up to 3 a tent with 4 the capacity.
Post 4, from post post 3 to 4 in need time about 30 minutes, in a procedure that was not bad precipitous and you can have set up tents on 4 post this but I suggest to be cautious because in 4 post now there are no the trees to drive out a storm.
Post 5, into the 5 you will find the intersection of heading to the next post 6, should take the left it because the road is more than the mendingan the right direction with the road that was slippery due to high erosion. To into the 5 in the 4 it takes time about 30 minutes.
Post 6 is the last outpost to up the. In the 5 into the 6 the more precipitous with the conditions the road that the rocks and slippery. In this post you can also set up tents up to 2 a tent with capacity five people and also in post 6 is very convenient for cover of a storm because it was behind rocky cliffs. To into the 6 it takes time about 45 minutes with a leisurely walk.
The Stalemate, are at an altitude of 3362 mdpl, a lane for up the road conditions the rocks and precipitous. Water that cold, with the conditaions street precipitous make it difficult breathing. From here you will see the beauty scenery city Wonosobo and Temanggung, the mountains are also look if weather especially mountain Sindoro so apparent in the sight of. To to the top of cecum this takes about 1.5 hour.
The Top Crater, with a height 3372, to to the top of crater you have to around a trail and suggested for a careful.
If that is all to report on the mountaineering Sumbing have help guys all that want to climb to mount cleft.